Revictionary - the reverse dictionary to find words to express your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Say you know a word and want the meaning, you go to a dictionary. If you have a word and want words that mean that word then you use a thesaurus. However if you have a meaning and want to find a word, that's where Revictionary comes into the picture.
- brand new material design
- smaller apk
- cleaner user interface
- share your favorite words
- app requires internet access
Features - reverse dictionary, anagram solver, crossword solver, hear word pronunciations
Features include:
- new CROSSWORD solver. type in a crossword puzzle and get possible solutions
- type in phrases, words, feelings, meanings or just about anything that comes into your mind and find a word to express it.
- maintain a list of favorite words and access them at any time.
- simple DICTIONARY feature. Simply type a word and get its meaning.
- new RHYME feature included, simply type in a word and get a list of words that rhyme that word along with their meanings.
- new ANAGRAM solver. Simply enter a word and get a list of anagrams of the word along with their meanings.
Significant Changes-
in v1.5
featuring a larger database of words, now using the WordNet database, cited below as
Princeton University "About WordNet." WordNet. Princeton University. 2010. <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>>.
now consisting of more than 100000 English words and all offline so internet access is not required.
latest - v1.20